Forte Optimize Aim to Become Norway's Leading Data-Driven Marketing Firm

In January 2023, Forte Digital announced that former Kahoot executive, Agnete Tøien Pedersen, would be joining their new venture, Forte Optimize, a consultancy firm focused on data-driven marketing. Now, Tøien Pedersen has made her first hires.
Peter Barter, Martin Nordby, and Aurora Prøis Halliday have been employed by Forte Optimize. Barter and Nordby will serve as strategic advisors in growth marketing, while Halliday will be the expert on CRM and Lifecycle. They were previously employed by Flokk, Nordea, and SATS, respectively.
– Peter, Martin, and Aurora have over 30 years of experience in marketing and digitalization, both from consultancy firms and in-house roles in large, established brands. With their experience and expertise, we are well on our way to building a robust professional community and are well-equipped to assist both new and existing customers, says Tøien Pedersen.

Fra venstre: Martin Nordby, Agnete Tøien Pedersen, Peter Barter, Aurora Prøis Halliday
Ambitious Growth Plans
Tøien Pedersen explains that their ambition is to become Norway's leading data-driven marketing professional community, offering a breadth and depth of expertise that few others can match. Providing data-driven marketing as an integrated part of Forte Digital's existing service model will strengthen the company's position as a growth partner for large and ambitious customers. Tøien Pedersen believes that it will also be a differentiating factor in the market.
– Data-driven marketing and growth marketing methods are and should be an integral part of any company's strategy to succeed in its digital transformation journey. It's about thinking strategically about the entire customer journey to ensure good results in both the short and long term. With data-driven marketing as a part of Forte Digital's interdisciplinary service model, we can deliver even more holistically for our clients, says Tøien Pedersen.
Forte Optimize is currently working with Forte Digital's existing clients, but has also recently secured several new customers in areas such as e-commerce, telecom, retail, and membership organizations. The goal is to grow both organically and through acquisitions.
– We're growing rapidly and are well on our way to building one of the premier marketing communities in Norway. In addition to continuing to recruit highly qualified specialists and advisors, we also haven't ruled out the possibility of acquisitions if we find the right match, says Tøien Pedersen.
Forte Digital currently has over 350 employees across Norway, Denmark, Germany, and Poland.

Peter, Martin og Aurora har til sammen mer enn 30 års erfaring innen markedsføring og digitalisering.