Høyskolen Kristiania

From college to university

Kristiania University College is a Norwegian educational institution that offers courses and programs across the country, including campuses in Oslo and Bergen. They are an accredited college with over 100 years of history, 10.000 students and 500 employees. This truly displays their important role in Norwegian education history. Kristiania is also working on various social responsibilities where the objectives are to provide education and knowledge to individuals from different aspects of life. These initiatives play an important role in their main goal to become an official university by 2030.


Høyskolen Kristiania




UX Design
Design research
Development and architecture


CMS Service Platform

The assignment

Kristiania University College has grown rapidly and consists of numerous past educational units that have been merged. This has resulted in an integration between different IT systems that communicate ineffectively, where students and employees have their information stored across multiple systems. As a result, the existing websites lacked the necessary infrastructure and development as the growth of the college, which resulted in a solution with untapped potential.

Focus areas from Kristiania:

  • To build an effective digital service platform that ensures easier maintenance and various functionalities, whilst the possibility to update and edit integrations within multiple internal IT systems.
  • Design and develop practical websites that have a clear overview, are convenient to use and easy to administrate.

Technology and deliverables

Technology stack: Episerver, Azure and .NET.


Forte Digital has built a new digital platform, gathering data from several internal IT systems in one cloud-based solution. In addition, other web-based services like Episerver have been integrated. Episerver was integrated onto the platform as a new Content Management System (CMS) – which offers a vast range of functionalities while being a more effective and operational option. Kristiania’s new digital platform supports services for both external and internal solutions, which gives the company more freedom and flexibility to implement new services across the organization.

It was an evident need to design and develop a new design system to ensure consistent and effective content production and employer branding. This system is a key component for an educational institution like Kristiania University College in order to gain more traction and awareness since they aim to become a university in the future. Forte Digital has effectively structured and incorporated this process, as they have substantial experience and knowledge with Episerver and its structure and functionalities.

Success factors

Multidisciplinary team: Forte Digital provided a multidisciplinary team with project management, advisory, design and technology. This has been an ideal format to continue the drive towards future progression and development, while simultaneously bringing value to the different focus areas.

A desire for increased innovation and digitalization: Forte Digital has taken an external approach and analyzed Kristiania’s entire technological structure. As a result, new services have been introduced in order to make their overall operations more robust and functional. All this to facilitate their goal to become a university by 2030.