Developer: "Impostor syndrome is normal"

A random path into technology
For Jenny, her technology career began almost by chance. With an integrated master’s degree in computer science from NTNU, programming wasn’t necessarily the obvious choice from the start.
– I knew I was good at STEM subjects, but I had never written a single line of code before starting my studies, Jenny says, laughing.
– It was a steep learning curve, but I enjoyed the challenge.

Jenny Yu is a developer at Forte Digital.
Becoming a consultant wasn’t necessarily planned either. A summer internship at Forte Digital, along with experience from another consulting firm, sparked her curiosity.
– The fact that Forte is a smaller consulting company appealed to me. I felt that, as an individual, I could have a greater impact here than in a large, established consulting firm.

From the classroom to client projects
The transition from studies to working life can be challenging. Shifting from fictional case assignments to delivering results on real client projects with billable hours requires a new way of working.
– During my studies, we often set the terms ourselves. In the workplace, you have to navigate an existing codebase, understand client needs, and deliver value from day one. It was an adjustment, but an exciting one.
The projects Jenny has worked on vary widely – from developing solutions for food waste in the grocery industry to contributing to healthcare record platforms.
– That’s one of the coolest things about being a consultant – you get to be involved in so many different things. And it’s incredibly motivating to see your work have a real impact.

Forte Digital's technology department consists of more than 60 developers, architects, and data scientists.
Willingness to learn and communication
What are the key traits a consultant should have? According to Jenny, it’s about more than just technical expertise.
– Good communication skills are absolutely crucial, and perhaps even underrated. You need to be able to explain what you’re working on – both to colleagues and to the client. And you have to be curious and not afraid to ask questions. No one expects you to know everything from day one. It’s reassuring to see that even very experienced developers need time to familiarize themselves with new domains and projects.
At Forte Digital, asking questions is highly encouraged, both internally and in client projects.
– You won’t be looked at strangely if you ask for help – quite the opposite. Working in interdisciplinary teams means we all learn from each other, whether you’re a developer, designer, or project manager.

Jenny Yu and Johan Grönlund, CEO of Forte Digital.
Consultant life: A mix of coding and friendship
A typical workday?
– It varies! Some days are filled with programming, others with meetings and coordination. I like that there’s a balance – I get to dive into code and also be part of the bigger picture.
But working at Forte Digital is more than just coding and clients.
– The social environment is something I value the most. Whether it’s a spontaneous lunch chat or a round of cage-ball after work, there’s always someone to hang out with. I’ve made friends here who I also meet outside of work – and that says a lot.

Jenny is active in several of Forte Digital's activity groups.
I’ve made friends here who I also meet outside of work – and that says a lot.
Impostor syndrome is normal.
What would you say to yourself as a student?
– That impostor syndrome is normal, but you are more than good enough. And that you should say yes to opportunities.
And Jenny has embraced new opportunities and challenges with open arms.
– You learn so much along the way, whether it’s a new project or something as unusual as doing voice-over for a video at an awards ceremony or being the talk-show host at the company’s kick-off.
Forte Digital is about more than technology, coding, and billable work – it’s about the people, the opportunities, and the little moments that make everyday life both varied and rewarding.
– I don’t regret my choice for a second, Jenny concludes with a smile.