
The role as Norway’s leading theatre
When Norway became a free nation with its own constitution, it was also decided that Nationaltheatret should be built as the entire nation's theatre scene. It should be in the middle of the nation's heart - between parliament and castle, university and city hall - to reflect the true identity of the country.
UX Design
Design research
Development and architecture
CMS Service Platform

The assignment
Nationaltheatret has great ambitions to be the country's best theatre. Each year, over 50 productions are performed, around 1,000 performances with over 200,000 visitors. In order to secure the artistic production and its market position, Nationaltheatret is fully dependent on good audience figures and high revenues. Here, the website Nationaltheatret is a key sales channel for the theatre, and it is important that it is accessible and user-friendly at all times.
Aspirations from Nationaltheatret:
- To further develop the website to offer a user-friendly service that improves information flow and flexibility in booking tickets
- Make it possible to continuously improve existing services and develop new ones to increase market position and further growth
Technologies and deliverables
- Forte Digital has used the following to develop the applications: .NET, Episerver and React running in Azure Cloud, integrated with Tessitura and Bambora
- Website: Nationaltheatret

Nationaltheatret has an important place in Norwegian history. Forte Digital has helped to optimize the interaction between Episerver, Tessitura and the audience. This is essential for a great customer experience with a neat user interface. Here, priorities have been given to system reliability and overall quality.
Throughout 2019, we have focused specifically on improving the purchasing process for performances and other events from Nationaltheatret. This has resulted in a significant increase in sales compared to last year and has been a great success.
Forte Digital has also worked on an internal tool that provides flexibility and accessibility for products that were previously unreachable. This configuration tool has improved the overall efficiency of theatre employees.

Success factors
Optimizing customer journey: Since Nationaltheatret as Norway's leading theatre is dependent on good audience figures and revenue, it is important to work with an optimal customer journey. The focus here has been to build an innovative and customer-oriented platform. This will help to convert people that are interested to visit the theatre while ensuring that they attain a seamless and user-friendly experience.
A holistic system: Forte Digital has worked to ensure an efficient infrastructure where services and solutions can be made available, and to ensure an effective sales channel with a focus on buying tickets, content production and strong customer experience.