New Client Announcement: Forte Digital wins multi-stage pitch for digital product development for Migros

Migros Supermarkt Eingang

Forte Digital Central Europe is now working for Migros Aare, a cooperative of the Migros Group. Migros is one of the largest retail companies in Switzerland. Among other things, the cooperative operates shopping centers, supermarkets and specialist stores.

"Forte Digital not only impressed us in the pitch with the concept for the question, but also contributed a deep understanding of the retail industry. We are delighted to have Forte Digital at our side as a partner for our digitalization," says Thomas Meyer, Head of Shopping Malls.

To kick off the collaboration, the Forte Digital team is implementing an app for Migros Aare's almost 9,000 employees. "We are delighted to be able to support Migros Aare in digital product development and to contribute our expertise in the retail sector and our technological know-how," says Joachim Bader, Managing Partner at Forte Digital Central Europe. "With this new assignment, we are further expanding our Swiss customer business."

About Migros Aare:

The Migros Aare Cooperative is one of ten Migros cooperatives and was formed in 1998 from a merger of the Bern and Aargau/Solothurn cooperatives. It is based in Moosseedorf and is a legally independent company within the Federation of Migros Cooperatives. The Migros Aare Cooperative includes over 300 shopping centers, supermarkets and specialist stores, Voi outlets and restaurants. In 2023, 8,887 employees generated sales of CHF 3.34 billion.

Forte wins Migros Aare as client

Horizont reported exclusively on our customer win on July 15, 2024.